
Non Life Insurance

Personal goals evolve as we go through life. All through out the life, significant events will occur at various stages of life and demand financial commitment. Proper plan in advance for these events, quite naturally you can overcome the situations.

Motor Insurance

A comprehensive Motor insurance policy, also known as motor package insurance, saves money when your car is damaged in an accident or natural calamity. It also covers your vehicle against theft and burglary. At times, you may end up hurting others or damaging property in an accident. A car insurance policy covers such third party liabilities as well. In India Third Party Insurance is mandatory. Apart from comprehensive Motor insurance, third-party only and own-damage only car insurance policies are also available.


Two Wheeler Insurance

A two wheeler insurance policy protects your two wheeler against any damages caused due to road accidents, natural disaster, and theft or loss. A two wheeler insurance policy covers damages to your two wheeler and legal liability towards third party.


Health Insurance

A health insurance policy covers medical expenses for illnesses or injuries. A reliable health insurance plan protects you from sudden medical expenses. It reimburses your bills or pays the medical care provider directly on your behalf. A comprehensive medical insurance covers the cost of hospitalisation, daycare procedures, medical care at home (domiciliary hospitalisation), ambulance charges, amongst others. A health insurance plan helps you stay covered against various diseases. Additionally, it helps you boost tax savings. Under section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961, you can claim tax benefits against your health insurance premium.


Home insurance

Home insurance, or property insurance, covers your residence against natural calamities. However, unforeseen risks can come knocking at any time. In the past few years, natural calamities like, Amphan cyclone,Foni Cyclone, Yash Cyclone,Gujarat earthquake have come unannounced and caused irreparable damage to homes across India. Just one incident can cause a lot of damage to your house and its contents.

That’s why having a home insurance policy is crucial to financial safety in the face of risks.